These are dedicated to barbarella632000
This post contains one (1) full-body clothing item, one (1) top-only clothing item, and two (2) new meshes
NOTA BENE: The top works with all Maxis meshes and recolours, there were varied results when the top was used with custom meshes by different Sims creators.
Age categories: Young Adult, Adult
Clothing category: Everyday
This is a lovely mesh. I added the top to a different bottom in my game and merged them, and I wondered if you would allow me to share this new full body mesh with some people? I wouldn't upload it to the Exchange, ask for money and I would provide a link back here. If not, thank you for the lovely mesh anyway!
sushi, as Beosboxboy stated in his policy:
Use it, Recolour it, Tear it apart, Remake it, Share it.
and a link back or credits would be nice, of course ;-)
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