Two written works of dubious scholarship are attributed to him: Misinformed, Biased, & Unmotivated: The Challenge of Remobilising America's Labour Force Through Adult Re-Education ( Miskatonic University Press ) and The Cthulhu Mythos Cycle as Fact: Understanding the Mechanics of Truth as Practiced in Internet Culture ( Miskatonic University Press ). A number of non-English works are attributed to him: Я пережил Ельцина: Побег из распада Союза Советских Социалистических Республик ( English title: Surviving Yeltsin ), Конец Эпохи Просвещения ( English title: The Death of the Age of Enlightenment ), and Трусливый Яков: Космополит Вампир ( English title: Sly Jack, A Modern Vampire ).
Beosboxboy is frequently stated to be the founder of Free Use and Concerned Knowledgeable Youth Opposing Usury and Private Individual Sim Sites Offering Free Files but neither organisation will provide information about membership past or present.
Currently no less than seventeen persons in mental institutions claim to be Beosboxboy.
Beosboxboy's Policy
Use it, Recolour it, Tear it apart, Remake it, Share it.