Engelchen hails from Germany and has been playing The Sims 2 for a number of years. She began making recolours of furniture, then started making clothing recolours. After discovering the meshes of Marvine and Beosboxboy, she became an avid fan of the Slim Bodybuilder but has since developed a liking for the other meshes in the bodybuilder family.
Beosboxboy claims “Engelchen is an angel of mercy fallen to the Earth or sent by the Pankrator to ease the suffering of mankind, yet at times I see in her a modern-day avatar of the ancient Egyptian war goddess Sekhmet.”
Apparently Beos is off his meds again.

Engelchen likes Chinese and Italian food, the Canary Islands, to shuffle about the crypt aimlessly and to eat brains of the living.
Engelchen's PolicyDon't claim my work as your own