You don't have to commit a crime in order to have a seat in front of this desk. The designers at Acme Industries have taken a simple, ergonomic design, added a durable stain resistant surface, and added a metal edge-guard to make thumb-screws a thing of the past! All the functions of a 'real' business desk with none of the need for "due process". Maintain order in your police state with the "Shift Sergeant Desk" by BeOSBoxBoy.
Available in Decadent Aristocracy Gold, Faded Glory Blue, Failed Foreign Policy Green, Post-Industrial Mustard, Petite Bourgeoisie Pink, and Fading Empire Red.
Cloned from the Maxis base object "Home Office Desk by Quaint Design" - at least one EP may be required, base game only compatibility is not guaranteed. CEP is required. Get CEP here -> http://cep.modthesims2.com/
This item will display in desks items by type and the study by room. It costs: §900.
Poly-count Information:
Triangles: 740
Vertices: 893
Usage Policy:
This object may be recoloured without permission. The mesh may be included with your recolours on any site with credit to Marvine & BeOSBoxBoy.
This item may be included in lots uploaded to any Internet host EXCEPT THE EXCHANGE! The Exchange is evil and a black pit of intellectual property theft. If you upload this or any work by Marvine & BeOSBoxBoy to the Exchange very bad things may happen to you - you could start voting Republican or you may start believing that people like you when they really don't. So beware!
Doom! Doom! Doom! Now have fun!
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