Unsurprisingly, the so-called doctors at the hospital ran a lot of expensive tests and sent Yakov home to us with the recommendations that he have valve-replacement surgery and maybe a pacemaker. Something we've known for a considerable time, but aren't able to afford.
At least he's alive and at home. We appreciate all the emails and comments. I've printed them out and shown them to him, so he sends his thanks to you each.
Yakov still has some problems with speech and memory. In his own words "it's better than being dead... or being at that do-nothing hospital, which is worse by far than being dead; at least people sometimes talk to the dead, unlike the staff at that place."
The photo of the dashing fellow in desert garb is Vincent Price as the deliciously abominable Dr. Anton Phibes in "Dr. Phibes Rises Again" - which Yakov has just finished watching (again).