2 January 2003

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Emergency Shower-proof Mesh Archive

If you see this - then you need one or more of the meshes in the archive. A floating head is a sign that you are missing a mesh, the floating or double penis is a sign that you have Crammyboy's penis mod installed (usually an order version) and need to click the penis and select the hide setting from the menu.

NOTA BENE: It harms nothing to have a mesh installed for which you have no immediate need.


The Last Ever 'How Do I Install Downloads?' Tutorial

Let us begin with the software you need to install some forms of downloads:

If you are using a Windows-based computer, it is recommended (but not necessary) that you download and install Sims2Pack Clean Installer (free: sims2pack.modthesims2.com/).

If you are using a Windows-based computer, then you MUST install one of the following programmes:
◊ WinRAR (purchase: www.rarlabs.com)
◊ 7-Zip (free: www.7-zip.org)
◊ AlZip (free: www.altools.net)
◊ TUGZip (free: www.tugzip.com)
◊ Filzip (free: www.filzip.com)
◊ IZArc (free: www.izarc.org)
◊ UnzipThemAll (free: www.herve-thouzard.com)
◊ ICEOWS (free: www.iceows.com)

If you are using a Macintosh-based computer, then you MUST install one of the following programmes:
◊ Stuffit (purchase: www.stuffit.com)
◊ UnRarX (free: unrarx.sourceforge.net)
◊ Zipeg (free: www.zipeg.com)
◊ The Unarchiver (free: wakaba.c3.cx)

After you have downloaded and installed the necessary software, you now need to know which kind of downloads need to use this software and which do not.

Package files
All files in the Downloads folder will ultimately be package files. They will have a .package file extension.

- example: somefilename.package

Files that are in the .package format do not require any special software to install, you can move them directly to the Downloads folder for immediate use.

Sims2Pack files
Sims2Pack files are compressed files that will contain one or more package files. You can install these by simply double-clicking the file, OR if you are a Windows-user and have installed Sims2Pack Clean Installer you can use this to install items with a reduced risk of duplicate files.

- example: somefilename.Sims2Pack

ZIP files
ZIP files are compressed files that will contain one or more files or folders with files. It is important to check the kind of file after extracting, if the file is a Sims2Pack, you will need to use one of the methods for installing a Sims2Pack file. If the files are in a folder, you should not add the folder to the Downloads folder, only the files.

- example: somefilename.zip

Windows XP has the ability to work with ZIP files without any additional software.

RAR files
RAR files are compressed files that will contain one or more files or folders with files. It is important to check the kind of file after extracting, if the file is a Sims2Pack, you will need to use one of the methods for installing a Sims2Pack file. If the files are in a folder, you should not add the folder to the Downloads folder, only the files.

- example: somefilename.rar

RAR files always require additional software to extract. RAR files are preferred because they are compressed to smaller file sizes than ZIP files, this saves money for sites by reducing over-all band-width use.

7z files
7z files are compressed files that will contain one or more files or folders with files. It is important to check the kind of file after extracting, if the file is a Sims2Pack, you will need to use one of the methods for installing a Sims2Pack file. If the files are in a folder, you should not add the folder to the Downloads folder, only the files.

- example: somefilename.7z

7z files always require additional software to extract. 7z files are preferred because they are compressed to smaller file sizes than ZIP files, this saves money for sites by reducing over-all band-width use.

The location of the Downloads folder
You will need to have a basic understanding of the way folder locations are expressed in order to understand where to place Downloads.

For instance:

C:\Documents and Settings\your-windows-username\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads

This is the "address" of a folder that is inside a nested series of other folders located on the C Drive (the primary hard drive of a Windows-based computer)

There are a number of different ways to reach this address from your desktop, usually the quickest way for most Windows-users is to use the short-cut to My Documents in the start menu of Windows XP, then double click the folder named "EA Games", then double-click the folder named "The Sims 2", then double-click the folder named "Downloads".

If you find you do not have a Downloads folder, then right-click in a blank area of the open window of the "The Sims 2" folder and select "New", then select "Folder" from the menu that pops up. Name the new folder Downloads, making sure to capitalise the first letter of the name.

You will now have a Downloads folder and this is where almost every downloaded package file will go.

The way you get to the downloads folder will differ depending on which version of Windows you have, and differ if you are using a Macintosh computer.

The usual location of the Downloads folder is:

Windows Vista
C:\Users\*your-windows-username*\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads

Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\*your-windows-username*\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads

Windows 98, 98 SE, & Millennium Edition
C:\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads

~/Users/user name/Documents/EA Games/ The Sims 2/Downloads
~Home/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads

1 January 2003

About Priapus

Priapus is a rather geeky fellow that spends most of his days chewing code and debugging software, he doesn't play The Sims 2, but thinks it's pretty. He is more of a Starcraft and Orange Box sort of fellow preferring to play an engineer in Team Fortress 2 - because as he says "they make things go BOOM!!!"

Priapus is a graduate of Miskatonic Institute of Alien Technology and is a hobbyist Evil Genius with plans to build his own Tillinghast resonator... we're not entirely sure what that is, but he seems very eager to have one, so we assume it's something important or at the very least quite likely to destroy the world, which he claims will at least save us from the gene-thieving Zerg hordes, whatever those are.

Hopefully Priapus won't be making the Blogger.com servers go BOOM!!! any time soon, since we have him on board as the fix-it man for those times when one of us make it go BOOM!!!

Priapus's Policy
If it ain't broke, upgarde it.

About Sgoobysnacks29

Photo Not AvailableSgoobysnacks29, a proper caber-tossing Scotsman, lives in the Netherlands and has been playing The Sims franchise games since the release of The Sims. He is no longer actively simming, but now uses many of the skills he learnt making The Sims 2 content in another game.

Sgooby is also an avid fan of Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodle, Star Trek, Albert Einstein, Eve Online, World of Warcraft, and the musical band Texas.

Sgoobysnacks29's Policy
Use it, Recolour it, Tear it apart, Remake it, Share it, but bloody well give credit.

About Olemantiker

Once upon a time in a far, far away and very dark galaxy just behind the last pale pulsating star of the known universe, there sat a shy and small boy all alone in his rocky crater on a bleak, desolate planet, dreaming of all the amazing adventures out there.

Adventures, as all the brave and fearless heroes experienced, heroes he knew from his yellowing and slowly decaying books, books he guarded like gold. Over and over again he read their stories.

Stories about gigantic battles against bloodthirsty and cruel aliens, mad and power-craving star-conquerors, and powerful and ruthless planetary magicians. And —of course— about invincible and selfless heroes facing evil in their quest for freedom and justice in the galaxy. He admired their determination and he envied them a little for all their powerful allies.

At last the day came when he stood up and decided to fight the indescribable evil and overpowering perdition in the universe. He also knew well that he could not fight this all by himself, he would need a band faithful warriors and determined comrades-in-arms by his side. Friends he could trust unconditionally, devoting body and soul to their quest just as he does.

As if the universe had heard him, it sent him a mighty comet. The boy jumped on its iridescent tail and ever since that day he traverses the known galaxies together with his faithful friends.

And they all fought for justice happily ever after - and if at night you look up to the twinkle right there between those two stars just slightly out of your sight, and you look really hard, you can still see them...

Olemantiker's Policy
You can do whatever you want to, recolor the objects, send them out to friends via mail or share them on forums or include the files in your uploaded lots - and yes, that means pay and/or free! Just please make sure people always know where you got all the files from and where they can find them for free and some information about them! The only thing I don't want you to do is claim anything as your own!

About Engelchen

Engelchen hails from Germany and has been playing The Sims 2 for a number of years. She began making recolours of furniture, then started making clothing recolours. After discovering the meshes of Marvine and Beosboxboy, she became an avid fan of the Slim Bodybuilder but has since developed a liking for the other meshes in the bodybuilder family.

Beosboxboy claims “Engelchen is an angel of mercy fallen to the Earth or sent by the Pankrator to ease the suffering of mankind, yet at times I see in her a modern-day avatar of the ancient Egyptian war goddess Sekhmet.”

Apparently Beos is off his meds again.

Oh Noes! Zombies!Engelchen likes Chinese and Italian food, the Canary Islands, to shuffle about the crypt aimlessly and to eat brains of the living.

Engelchen's Policy
Don't claim my work as your own

About Monshanjik

Monshanjik, born in the south of France, is a biochemist and botanist currently working with a team to discover methods of decreasing soil erosion and increasing crop yields under changing ecological conditions.

Monshanjik strongly supports recycling, electric cars, public transportation, solar and wind power, green building methods, organic growing methods, humane animal husbandry, and using local farm produce.

Monshanjik's interests include music, film, and sports. He is a member of a local amateur rugby team and coaches a junior soccer/football team (in season). Monshanjik works as a guest DJ once per month at a local club and hosts special events to raise funds for homeless families and families dealing with HIV.

He is only a part-time Simmer, but is an avid fan of the work of Marvine and Warlokk.

About Beosboxboy

Photo Not AvailableBeosboxboy is a small nocturnal animal rumoured to inhabit the Ohio River Valley of North America, sightings are rare and may be a matter of urban legend or popular myth like Mothman, chupacabra, sasquatch, and gay Republicans. Beosboxboy is widely held to have supernatural powers of evil or good by numerous Internet cults. Most theologians hold that the claims of Beosboxboy being the anti-Christ are unfounded since the Bible clearly indicates the anti-Christ will be unopposed until the Judgement.

Two written works of dubious scholarship are attributed to him: Misinformed, Biased, & Unmotivated: The Challenge of Remobilising America's Labour Force Through Adult Re-Education ( Miskatonic University Press ) and The Cthulhu Mythos Cycle as Fact: Understanding the Mechanics of Truth as Practiced in Internet Culture ( Miskatonic University Press ). A number of non-English works are attributed to him: Я пережил Ельцина: Побег из распада Союза Советских Социалистических Республик ( English title: Surviving Yeltsin ), Конец Эпохи Просвещения ( English title: The Death of the Age of Enlightenment ), and Трусливый Яков: Космополит Вампир ( English title: Sly Jack, A Modern Vampire ).

Beosboxboy is frequently stated to be the founder of Free Use and Concerned Knowledgeable Youth Opposing Usury and Private Individual Sim Sites Offering Free Files but neither organisation will provide information about membership past or present.

Currently no less than seventeen persons in mental institutions claim to be Beosboxboy.

Beosboxboy's Policy
Use it, Recolour it, Tear it apart, Remake it, Share it.